четверг, 3 марта 2011 г.


In 1946 the Soviet Army was adopted by T-54 tank.
The tank was armed with a 100-mm rifled gun and coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun, besides the car was armed with two exchange rate 7,62 mm and 12,7 mm anti-aircraft machine guns.
Engine - diesel engine 520 hp placed across the body, thereby succeeded in reducing the size of the machine.

Tank had a high for its time protection. The thickness of the front armor was 120 mm, the tower - 200 mm.
T-54 tank was manufactured from 1947 to 1958 and underwent during that time a number of upgrades.
In 1951 he began production of modified T-54A. The machine was equipped with another gun, stabilized in the horizontal plane.
In 1952 there was a modification of T-54B at which the gun was stabilized in two planes. This modification was equipped for underwater driving tanks, aiming to overcome water obstacles up to a depth of 5 meters along the bottom.
Total Soviet industry had produced more than 17 thousand T-54.
Based on T-54 was created by a set of special combat vehicles: flamethrower tank, self-propelled artillery, tractor, ZSU, etc. The machine is produced under license in Poland, Czechoslovakia, China and exported to more than thirty countries around the world.
T-54 tank in different models involved in most post-war wars and military conflicts, which has established itself as a reliable, well-armed, protected by machine, which has high mobility.
Length 6.04 m
Height 2,40 m
Width of 3.27 m
Weight 36 tonnes
Diesel engine
Power of 520 hp
Maximum speed 50 km / h
Range 440 km
Armor protivosnaryadnaya
Armament 100-mm rifled gun, 3 - 7,62 mm, 1-12,7-mm machine guns
Stock of ammunition 34 rounds, 200 rounds of caliber 12.7 and 3500 - 7.62
Crew 4
Year, adopting a 1946

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